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Information for educational institutions


Educational Group Students International (SI) is an international group of companies (consulting, recruiting, marketing, publishing) which has been working since the year 1992. SI has the biggest educational agencies network – 44 offices and representatives in various cities of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Latvia.        
SI sends about 3,000 students abroad each year. We co-operate with more than 250 partner educational institutions in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States, Spain, France, Italy, and other countries.   
The main website of the company is www.studinter.ru
SI runs 5 IELTS Test Centers in Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, and Vladivostok and arranges regular IELTS sessions in 20 cities across Ukraine and Russia.
Here are two of our main awards:
•    2004 - 2008 The Best Educational Agency in Russia (Education Abroad magazine)
•    2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 STM Star Award (Study Travel Magazine, UK)

The website www.stipendiat.ru is a service for students who are looking for financial support of their studies abroad in the following educational sectors:
       •    secondary education
       •    pathway programs (foundation, pre-masters)
       •    Bachelor and Master degrees
Partner institutions of Students International provide scholarships (some on an exclusive basis) to users of this service.  These scholarships cover from 20% to 100% of the tuition fees.
The Scholarship Project is intended to attract attention of potential students to the institutes and their courses and finally to recruit new students for studies there.

The website www.stipendiat.ru is advertised and supported by all SI resources:
•    by the main website (1,100-1,700 visits a day depending on the season)
•    by other websites of the company: www.austral.ru, www.ielts-school.ru, www.ielts-moscow.ru, www.ielts-kiev.com.ua, www.ielts-spb.ru, www.ielts-vladivostok.ru, www.si.ua (in total about 3,000 visits a day)
•    within the framework of SI International Educational Road Shows that are conducted annually in more than 20 cities (www.si-exhibition.ru)
•    in the course of local educational exhibitions SI participates in
•    in all the brochures we release (Education in Canada, Education in Australia, etc.) and the advertising  materials we publish  


If you are interested in quick and efficient promotion of your institution and/or particular study programmes, advertising by introducing a scholarship is one of the best ways of doing that.
If six students apply for a scholarship of, say, 40% off tuition fees, and only two of them receive the scholarship, do you think the other four students cancel their applications for this university? No! Our experience shows that even a partial scholarship is a great incentive for applying and is not a reason to withdraw the application if the scholarship has not been received.
Being in contract relations with Students International means that all SI educational consultants and sales force would be offering your programmes at all our offices using all our resources.
If you are interested in co-operating with Students International and in advertising your programmes in our scholarship resources, please contact us at: office@stipendiat.ru